If you listened to us in December, we just helped you avoid a 20% loss, and now we are telling you this…
Back in December, we put out a report on BHP and specifically our views on trading the stock. They proved to be on the money and for readers who implemented. Based on what we discussed, avoided a further whopping 20% loss.
So what now?
Having perhaps earned some trust, that what we say and do can really help you as an investor. We want to share an opportunity.
That opportunity is to make a small investment – we are asking for 2 hours of your time – the most precious resource we all own.
In return, we want to share with you exactly. How we intend to be profiting from the turmoil of today’s market.
This is not the time to run for the hills.
In fact quite the opposite, this is a time to be applying the skills and knowledge that separate the old 80/20. Most people are panicking as they watch their Super or other investments get decimated – after all, “Billions have been wiped off” as the media keep telling us.
Meantime, a smaller number of savvy investors are out there making a killing. After all the money isn’t really being lost. It is transferred from one group of people to another, much smaller group.
Would you like to be part of that group?
Ok, well, of course, everyone wants to be part of that group – a bit like the US lotto last week. We all want to be a part of the winning side.
But being on the winning side – is it really that easy?
Actually, no, It’s not necessarily easy – in fact, if you are looking to get rich quick, good luck. Go buy your lotto ticket and enjoy the odds of 250,000,000:1.
However, if you are looking to stack the odds in your favour by learning a couple of skills. That will significantly improve your odds of success, then read on.
Learning what to do and when…
Most things that work in life are based on a process. Think about following a recipe when you cook. The outcome is consistent, assuming you do follow the process. and don’t add salt when it’s supposed to be sugar!
Trading and investing is the same – there are some steps to follow and when you do. The outcome also comes through.
Rather than send you a recipe book for investing. We want to share with you live, exactly what we do, how and when. So that you can also enjoy the benefits of a time tested process.
Create Your Own Income SYDNEY – MELBOURNE – BRISBANE 2016
Join us live for a 2 hour information packed income workshop (We’ll be in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane this February) by Register here…

And as a bonus, for joining us on the night. We will also give you an electronic copy of our latest book to be published – 10 steps to Winning in the Market Place.