Let us help you to have a better financial future
We provide a unique and totally seamless integration from start to finish
About Andrew Baxter

Andrew Baxter is a highly regarded keynote speaker across a wide range of topics within the trading/investing and trader mindset space.
Andrew has spoken alongside some of the world’s leading names, including Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson and Tony Blair.
Locally he has spoken to audiences for the ASX, Australian Financial Review, Australian Investors Association and the Technical Analysis Association, and overseas at the highly prestigious National Achievers Congress and Irrational Economics Summit, working with more than 50,000 people worldwide.
Andrew is renown for his ability to translate complex finance into simple, everyday, easy to follow processes. His philosophy of no jargon, clear and simple explanations and total transparency have earned him a legion of fans around the World, in and out of the investment and trading industry.
We don’t just teach you how to Trade,
We teach you How to Make Money from Trading.
The Best Investment you will ever make is in yourself
Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant Author

Below are just some of the world authorities I have been invited to speak alongside and partner with them in helping their clients

Tony Robbins
The World’s Number One Success Coach

Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad

Jordan Belfort
The Wolf Of Wall Street

Richard Branson
Mr Virgin!

Tim Ferris
4 Hour Work Week

Nigel Farrage
Brexit Leader

Tony Blair
British Prime Minister

Mark Bouris
Yellow Brick Road

Harry Dent
Author and Demographic Forecaster
Helping everyday Australians make Educated Investment Decisions
We provide a start to finish, turn-key solution for everyday people who are either looking to invest or trade the stock market successfully, or looking for peace of mind and more control over their trading and investing.
Unlike most educators, AIE offers an extensive range of ongoing support, coaching, mentoring and advisory services. Our education programs are not the finish line, they are where our partnership with you begins.
We provide a unique and totally seamless integration from start to finish – with our education and support meshing with our easy to use and highly competitive brokerage facility. For our clients, this means that there are no gaps in their trading journey – making the AIE process one of the easiest ways to get started in the markets.