


Could Grexit be just around the corner? The European Union is on the verge of losing its first member

For the last 6 years, Greece has been a country burdened with bad debt and the threat of default on loans that will take more than a few generations to pay back. During that time, the economy has failed to improve, and again Greece is potentially on the verge of defaulting on its loan obligations, […]

Could Grexit be just around the corner? The European Union is on the verge of losing its first member Read More »

380 years old and still great advice - a massive professional trader tip for the end of the Financial Year: As we count down to the end of the Australian Financial year for 2013/14

380 years old and still great advice – a massive professional trader tip for the end of the Financial Year

380 years old and still great advice – a massive professional trader tip for the end of the Financial Year: As we count down to the end of the Australian Financial year for 2013/14. It is a crucial time for professional investors to add to their edge. And of course overall return. Every cloud has

380 years old and still great advice – a massive professional trader tip for the end of the Financial Year Read More »

Options Trading Strategies – what is the Risk vs what you think it is?

Over the hundreds if not now, thousands of presentations I have done around the World, the understanding of what is risk, versus what people think it is, has been a central theme to almost each and every one and in particular when it comes to Options Trading Strategies. Earlier today, I did an interview with

Options Trading Strategies – what is the Risk vs what you think it is? Read More »

Discovering and Understanding your Risk Profile as an investor

It’s an interesting question that I hear often. How much money can I expect to make or alternatively, what returns can I expect? When asked this question, it is pretty clear that the person is relatively new to trading and investing. Perhaps is approaching things in the wrong way because the question doesn’t take into

Discovering and Understanding your Risk Profile as an investor Read More »