Trader of the Month – February 2021

Trader of the Month – February 2021- Australian Investment Education. And well what a difficult job we have had, given the high number and exceptional quality of this month’s submissions. A big thanks to all of you for submitting. And look out for the honourable mentions over the next few weeks.

So we got it down to two finalists both very worthy winners, for differing reasons.


Trader of The Month February 2021 Winner 1 – Keep Growing – Keep Doing 

This is nomination is a great example of letting the genie/Genius out of the bottle. What I mean by this is once you start on this journey. It can really get a hold of you. And what a great journey it can really be.

Additionally, This client has been a core member of our Eco-system for exactly one year. When he was presented with the opportunity to join our Advanced Options program. He grabbed it with both hands and it would be fair to say that decision has paid off in spades!!


—–Original Message—–
From: Joshua Yeo
Subject: Trader of the month nominationDate: 28 February 2021 at 12:44:46 am AEST
To: Trading Desk <>

Hi Guys,This month marks my 1 year anniversary with AIE and I thought why not nominate myself as trader of the month for the first time to do a big shout out to you guys. It also coincidentally marks the first month that I am blessed enough to have no losses with the highest return in a month till date that I have achieved.

Since joining AIE back in Feb-20, starting first with cashflow on demand and then joining the advanced options tribe, I have gained lots of knowledge and insights through the community, the course materials and of course from you guys (Andrew Baxter, Andrew Gibbs and Mitch Olarenshaw). 

Just wanted to say a massive thank you for imparting your knowledge and experience to enable me to trade with confidence and set myself up for financial freedom.

I now use my SMSF for cashflow on demand strategies and advanced options on my personal account. The data below is on my personal account.

I know this nomination is for Feb-21 but I wanted to include the below table to reflect the consistency in the results following AIE’s system/strategies. 

Trades completed in Feb-21:

1) NKE – 56.47% profit (22 days in market)
2) WOW – 37.3% profit  (28 days in market)
3) MS – 13.51% profit (14 days in market)
4) UNP – 46.51% profit (17 days in market)
5) LLY – 64.73% profit (14 days in market)
6) SBUX – 50.32% profit (3 days in market)

Dream big, do bigger!

Kind Regards,
Joshua Yeo

These are simply fantastic numbers and to say that I am proud may seem condescending. However, I am extremely proud of Josh – not only for the results – lets face it, those averages are outstanding for each of the past 4 months. They also put to shame the returns from many of the so say experts out there.

Chances are we may even get some comments out there from some people calling into question. These figures and sadly they won’t believe its possible or worse still. They will be so busy looking for the catch (there isn’t one so you will be looking for a very long time). But by wasting your time looking for the catch. You’ll probably miss out on much more of these kinds of returns.

Great work Josh – superb trading from both a returns and a consistency perspective.

Please join me in recognising and congratulating Josh Yeo February 2021 Trader of the Month.


Trader of The Month February 2021 Winner 2 – Don’t let age or circumstance be a barrier

This is a terrific story of wholesome family values. And resonates very strongly with me.

So this client asked if he could bring his teenage daughter to bootcamp. As he thought she might be interested. Turns out not only was he right, she was more than interested. She was committed too and with both Mum. And Dad’s support has nailed it.

David is a well liked and highly respected member of our Advanced Options Group. And this month. He has passed the batten on to his “just turned 16” year old daughter Rotem. She has had a couple of part time jobs (TICK) Saved some money (TICK) and has found her own trade (TICK). And the net result a very healthy 6.25% profit banked for just 44 days in the market. (TICK!!)

Great parenting David and Hila – this story gives us all here tremendous pleasure. In that your goal of having financial literate children is now becoming a reality.

From: ZOHAR Family
Subject: Rotem Zohar Trader of the Month
Date: 18 February 2021 at 7:39:11 pm AEST
To: AIE Support Team <>

AIE Team hi,

I would like to nominate my daughter Rotem Zohar for trader of the month. I am extremely proud of her for executing her first covered call with a buy&write for NEC.AX (this was not an AIE recommendation) achieving a maximum profit of 6.25% $140.71, which is an amazing result for someone who just turned 16 in the middle of January 2021.

In winter 2019 Rotem undertook the COD course with me at the Southport office, since then she worked in various retail jobs to save money. And in this summer she finally had enough for her first COD. She utilised the ASX top 100 list of Andrew Gibbs. And after following the process to the letter. Decided to trade in NEC.AX (see trade details below).

I strongly advocate for financial literacy for all ages and in particular children. This is one aspect that the formal education system is lacking. Hence why I insisted her to come with me to the course. And nugged her for more than a year to dip her toes with a COD. I also intend to do the same in the future with my three boys.

Thank you AIE for enabling me to leave a lasting legacy of financial literacy for my children.  Rotem is already fired up and keen to trade another COD and currently in the process to identify a suitable candidate for a trade.

Kind Regards,

David Zohar

Trade details

More importantly, a truly great effort from you Rotem. As you have not only come through our training. You’ve also had to work and save. And then make the decision to actually invest.

We look forward to hearing more of your success on this terrific journey. That you and your family are on.

I would like to invite everyone to recognise. And congratulate Rotem Zohar. As our February 2021 Trader of The Month.

Getting the list down to just these two very worthy winners has been tough – look out over the coming few weeks for details of some of the additional nominees. And more importantly. Push through and make sure you are in the running for March.


We have a Free LIVE Online Training Workshop happening soon – Register here to learn the same trading strategies!

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