Over the past few weeks, the spotlight has shifted to the area of job security across many sectors, ranging from the car industry, manufacturing and of course, Qantas.
Work hard at school, get a good job is the advise all our parents probably gave us and that is of course a sound strategy, albeit based upon having a job. That is not such a safe assumption, these days.
Security from Secondary Income
The prospect of building up investment knowledge and skills doesn’t sound much fun, and sadly is neglected by most… Until they need the security that comes from having a secondary source of income.
Learning these skills and more importantly developing the confidence to actually apply that knowledge is easier than you might think. Equally with our Trade Me service, it really doesn’t get any easier, to both trade and learn the skills needed for success, when it comes to trading.
Qantas Redundancy
As a business, we have extended a helping hand this week to the many thousands of Qantas staff that have found themselves in a tricky spot. Helping them learn what to do, in order to have the potential to generate upfront income with lower risk returns, Is a key to the next chapter in their lives. One they no doubt didn’t expect to see ie redundancy yet through some simple steps, could be very well set up from.
Digging the well before you need the water is critical to making sure that should something happen with your plan A ie you lose your job, you have something else to fall back upon, when it comes to income. What do you have in place?
The great thing here, compared with a job, nobody can take this away from you – you have a skill for life, and with that comes peace of mind, confidence and a sense of control. Over your Own destiny
Click here for an immediate and straightforward solution to your Plan B.