How even my level one clients made nearly a Grand! Consistency is one of the most important elements of successful trading and investing – after all, who really wants a roller coaster ride with their savings?
Over the past month, there have been plenty of trading opportunities – with great profits, low volatility and minimal time input.
Revisiting an Old Friend
I haven’t traded mining services company, Worley Parsons, for a number of years – not for any particular reason – just slipped off of my radar. Easily done I guess. Fortunately not off the radar of my Aussie equity and options trading team. Who zoned in on the opportunity with military precision and executed yet another great trade.
Earning money for time passing by
On the 10th of June, I along with a large group of our clients entered the trade – a covered call. Placing the order took me less than 20 seconds – more on that in a moment. Then what? I simply let the trade take its course, knowing it was being fully managed for me.
The position was closed last week – 4th of July to be precise. Gross profit of 3.9% and great to reacquaint myself with an old friend – lets do this again soon! For a level one (smallest position size we suggest) that was a booked $434 gross profit on an outlay of $11,081 in under a month or 3.9% if you want to scale that up.
Meeting a New Friend
One company I haven’t previously traded is US media giant, CBS. Again like a large number of our clients, I entered the trade on 13th June – another covered call. Again placing the trade took me around 20 seconds. Once again, I simply let time take its course, with the US equity and options team fully managing the position for me.
The position was closed a few days ago 9th of July to be precise. The Gross profit was 3.74 % – great to meet you CBS – we must do this again soon! Again for a level one client, the position size suggested was $11,546 making the return at 3.74% or $432 gross.
* Customer Caution Notice: The past performance of this product is not and should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Caution should be exercised in assessing past performance. This product, like all other financial products, is subject to market forces and unpredictable events that may adversely affect its future performance. The return mentioned above does include fee’s or charges, which may vary in any trading scenario. Assessing the suitability of this product should not be based solely on this information.
So how can you get introduced to your new income producing opportunity?
How can you be informed and in control of this, without investing a whole lot more time? Well, the simple answer to that question would be to use our Trade Me powered by EasyTrade® App. That is precisely what I do – with the time taken to place a trade, around 20 seconds.
What’s more all the information required to make a fully informed decision on the trade is provided and accessible with the convenience of my mobile device.
So whether I am at the airport or with my family down at the beach, my trading business is earning me, just like my clients – money!
To get immediate access to the App and to see how it works click here.