3 critical steps that will help you avoid missing out on then next 34% (and counting) return.

3 critical steps that will help you avoid missing out on then next 34%

Can you imagine having the opportunity to be shown, told and taught exactly how to do that, and yet not take action?

3 critical steps that will help you avoid missing out on then next 34% (and counting) return: Let’s look at some hard facts and actual live, open positions that our clients and myself are holding right now. These are positions directly resulting from my recent strategy trip to Chicago.

  • Pfizer – on an ungeared position, up 10%
  • Goldman Sachs – for clients on the CFD directional trade – up 34.5%
  • Bank of New York Mellon Corp – on an ungeared position, up 6

Now our Compliance will ensure that we disclose right now, that past performance is no guarantee of future performance and that trading does involve risk and may not be suitable for you. Which is precisely why we provide our clients and maybe yourself too, with some of the most comprehensive education and support in the market, to help you make more informed decisions that are right for you.

So why these three trades and why these results?

Process! We have always been of the view that when the process is right, the results always follow and the above are classic examples of exactly that.

  1. The fundamentals of these businesses are extremely supportive – hence why they made it onto the shortlist of potential trades. I will talk to you more about this later in the month and in quite some depth at our upcoming live events.
  2. Equally the technicals for these – how the charts measure up – also provides a very strong case. So much so, that our vigorous entry criteria were hit and we entered into the trades at the desired levels.
  3. Risk management continues to play a critically important role in what we do, not only providing hands off trading with predefined profit takes and stops (saving our clients the need to spend time following the trades each day) but also providing peace of mind, knowing that the risk is under control.

Let me ask you a question

Would you like to have been on these trades too?

What about beyond these three – what about next month and the next round of opportunities – want to be on those too?

Then why not come along and join me live, and I will show you exactly how we do this, and how you can be too?

Here are the dates and locations:

Brisbane – 23rd Feb

Sydney – 24th Feb

Melbourne – 25th Feb

Perth – 26th Feb


But I’m not really that interested in the stock market…

Neither are most of our clients – but like you, they are looking for a different outcome on their investments. We do all the work for you – leaving you the control and peace of mind, and outsourcing the heavy lifting to us.

Perhaps you don’t understand; I am really busy…

One thing we all have in common is 24 hours in a day. With our processes, your time input will most likely be less than an hour per month – and as an hourly rate, this could potentially be the best use of your time yet.

Brisbane – 23rd Feb

Sydney – 24th Feb

Melbourne – 25th Feb

Perth – 26th Feb


Here is one thing you won’t learn

We all know that you don’t learn anything from the seminar you don’t attend so make the time to discover how we are helping people just like you get more out of life and enjoy the fun and lack of stress that can come from having a new source of income.

Brisbane – 23rd Feb

Sydney – 24th Feb

Melbourne – 25th Feb

Perth – 26th Feb


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