5 critical steps that our clients are following to help them bank money and how you can avoid missing out on the next opportunity by following the same: A couple of weeks ago, I nipped over to Chicago for a couple of days. Now I appreciate for some. This may sound a little bit bonkers – you know – a 28,700 km round trip for less than 48 hours on the ground. However, perception and reality can be two very different things.
Can you possibly imagine any professional weather forecaster describing minus 4 degrees as Balmy?
You see, along with my driver, this is what greeted me at O’Hare airport – a bone chilling MINUS 4. Underprepared and only in a shirt and sweater (appropriate for arrival in said “Balmy” conditions) I was not impressed but at least the car had heated seats!
However, the headline in the news that day. I kid you not, was “Chicago Basks In Unusually Balmy January Weather” MINUS 4 for crying out loud! Which I guess means that some things are a matter of perception!
So from 48 hours on the ground – perception “bonkers” but in reality, highly profitable and with more to come…
This week, we have had trades directly off the back of this research trip – solid. Robust trading ideas and money in the bank as a direct result of thorough research and more than anything. Follow through and action on the part of the clients.
So why these trades?
In December, we published our 2015 Outrageous Market Predictions – a great book which has been very successful for several years. If you haven’t got a hold of your copy yet, click here and we will gift it to you as an eBook. Two areas in particular have stood out to me as BIG opportunities for trading and investing.
You see, there are many out there that are the “expert market commentators”. They write, they predict, they discuss but all too often, they don’t actually do.
That’s why we are different – we put our views out there – in the public domain and we actually trade those views with real money. Live in the markets. In other words, we do, rather than simply talk!
In short, with the dramatic drop in energy prices. We expect to see a big swing in household budgets, which in turn will kick through into the market through stronger consumer confidence and spending. Areas such as home improvement as well as discretionary spending will be likely beneficiaries.
Of course, past performance is no guarantee of the future, and trading involves risk. But this, I can guarantee – if you do nothing, nothing will change for you –absolutely guaranteed.
The 5 core steps in getting set on these trades that you can learn and repeat, if you want, for the rest of your life!
1. Fundamental Analysis for helping establish the reason why this investment in this stock, giving you a logical base that makes sense, before you enter the position
2. Technical Analysis for helping with trade timing and entry and exit levels, providing precise trigger levels for when to get in and when to get out, meaning you know your potential profit or risk up-front and prior to getting in the trade
3. Quality Filters that have been vigorously back tested to help adjust the probability of success on the trade, giving you greater peace of mind and sleep at the sleep at night factor, many investors seek
4. Defined risk management levels, that enable you to systematically structure the trades so you are holding the right amount of position for you – not the next person – while having a realistic stop loss and profit strategy running throughout the life of the trade
5. Contingent and professionally executed orders that remove the need for you to sit up at night watching the market. All you need to do is authorise the trades and our team of traders do the heavy lifting – the hard work and order management, helping you free up your time.
So by the time we run our event, the potential profits from these trades may be in the bank – so what next and more importantly what is next for you?
The great thing about markets is that there are always more opportunities and building a process or plan helps provide consistency in that process. While these are only two of what will likely be hundreds of trades for the full year, the key question you may wish to consider, is how many will you be on?
It’s clear you have an interest in the investment markets, you’re also reading this article, which means you are online, so why not click through to Create Your Own Income right now, and see exactly how we can help you achieve your financial goals.
After all, interesting as this article may well be, and happy for those clients that were on the trades, you probably aren’t, how would you feel if that money was sitting in your bank account instead?
Come join us live and we’ll show you exactly the processes we use to help our clients – people just like you – how to do this for themselves. Create Your Own Income