Is this the biggest shift in trading technology since the internet?

Trade Me Mobile Application
Trade Me Mobile Application

Is this the biggest shift in trading technology since the internet? Over my years in the broking industry – coming up for almost two decades soon, much has changed. The move from full service phone broking to online was one of the biggest. Self directed trading with orders executed online, seemed the way forward especially with the lower fees. However, anyone who has been down that path understands a few issues.

  • Investing time to watch markets
  • Investing time to develop a strategy
  • Develop the skills to be able to execute your trades
  • Manage the trade by watching it carefully
  • Run the risk of making a mistake placing the order
  • As soon as you pick up the phone, there is no advice
  • What happens when you are on holiday

There are plenty more, as I am sure you know!

Advisory Service

Then of course there is the outsourcing of some of the “heavy lifting”. Perhaps you subscribe to an advisory service, newsletter or signal provider. Part of the work is done – the research and the trade ideas. However, some only provide entry, not exits – arguably the most important part. Then there is the hassle of trying to place the exact same trade – maybe too late or maybe hard to place – have a crack at placing a butterfly! What if you are busy and miss the email or report?

If any of the above resonates with you – well you are going to love the new Trade Me App.

Trade Me App

The new App enables you to do it all instantly, easily and with all the information you need in one place. The Trade Me App bridges the gap between trade recommendations or advisory services and your trading account. Through EasyTrade® you are now able to take the trade recommendations, while on the go, through 3 easy steps.

Trade Me App:

Expert Recommendations at your fingertips

With EasyTrade®, all the hard work is outsourced. Our analysts have done the heavy lifting identifying the entry, exit and stop levels, for every trade.

All the information that you need to make an effective and informed decision is provided for you. For example, you can watch a video showing our live analysis, directly from the Trading floor, or alternatively, check out the chart and trade levels. The app provides all the information in a very clear and simple format.

You keep 100% of the control

Our Expert recommendations give you the option to select which trade you would like to trade. Even though we’ve done all the work, you have 100% of the control. You can filter by strategy and for every trade you wish to take, you simply select the position size that suits you and the job is done!

Not missing opportunities

Unlike typical investment newsletters and advisory services, which rely on you reading an email, logging into a Website or taking a call, none of which may be that convenient, Trade Me brings a breath of fresh air.

The Trade Me app delivers all the information you need, instantly, to make the decision and actually take the trade there and then – no fuss, no having to log onto your trading platform and no phone call to make.

No distractions from trades that aren’t for you

What’s more, because you can chose the strategies you are most interested in, Trade Me will only notify you of the trades you are interested in, helping you save time and maintain your focus.

The death of the Trading Platform

Learning how to use trading platforms can be time consuming, is often frustrating and is almost certainly something you have had to do more than once.

Trade Me brings the power and convenience of EasyTrade® removing the risks, time and effort that come with trying to place the trade yourself, on a trading platform.

Our Simple 3 Step Solution

When you want to take the trade, simply click the EasyTrade® button

Step 1: Select the Trade Recommendation you want to take

Step 2: Choose the position size that suits you and your account

Step 3: Select the trading account (if you have more than one) you would like the trade allocated to

Then all you need to do is review your order before you submit it.

Fully Managed Orders that save you time

Then our fully authorised traders will do the rest for you. Your order will be placed and the position fully managed as per the EasyTrade® outline and your custom risk level.

Profits will be taken and the stop/loss maintained at the defined levels, letting you get on with your day, with the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have professional support looking after your money.

Our Trading Strategies

Our Recommendations, advice and trade ideas currently cover Options Trading on the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange) and across the US Markets, as well as commodity futures and Forex. If you are interested in the Stock and Share Market we can also provide you with investment education.

Click here to register for priority access to the Easy Trade App.

EasyTrade® is a registered trademark of Fortress Charter Trading Ltd

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