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You snooze you lose! Why you need to be active in the markets

You snooze you lose! Why you need to be active in the markets

You snooze you lose! Why you need to be active in the markets: Investors were worried about the recent stock market ‘correction’. Some fearfully sold their stock, but have hesitated getting back in. Now, the ASX200 has rebounded more than 70% of the decline. And if you weren’t active in the markets, you have missed […]

You snooze you lose! Why you need to be active in the markets Read More »

Imagine if your entire retirement plan left you dead broke

Imagine if your entire retirement plan left you dead broke because you were told a lie?

Is the passive buy and hold strategy a myth? Let me ask you a very simple question. Imagine if your entire retirement plan left you dead broke because you were told a lie? Have you ever been told by your financial advisor, planner or other guru not to worry “just take the long term view”

Imagine if your entire retirement plan left you dead broke because you were told a lie? Read More »

When I told them about this cheeky little options strategy, they laughed at me

When I told them about this cheeky little options strategy, they laughed at me – now they are paying attention, BIG time! So what do you do, if the share price goes down?

When I told them about this cheeky little options strategy, they laughed at me – now they are paying attention, BIG time! So what do you do, if the share price goes down? More than any single question, this one comes up more often than not at virtually every presentation I do, in relation to

When I told them about this cheeky little options strategy, they laughed at me – now they are paying attention, BIG time! So what do you do, if the share price goes down? Read More »

This is the most important Email that you will read today

This is the most important Email that you will read today, and maybe for the whole year….

This is the most important Email that you will read today, and maybe for the whole year: One of the best of the many great attributes of living in Australia is the laid back approach to life. Nothing sums it up better than “she’ll be right mate” and for generations, that has been true. However,

This is the most important Email that you will read today, and maybe for the whole year…. Read More »