Farmer’s wife trades just like the boys on wall street

Wall Street

Wall Street

“I thought you had to be on Wall Street to do this kind stuff, I didn’t know I could do it myself.”
says farmer’s wife.

Traditionally, the world of trading and investing has been for the suits on Wall Street. Or for the big men making the calls on the trading floor.

For Chris and Miranda D., this is the only truth they knew. Today, Chris and Miranda are trading Options and Futures, from the comfort of their farmhouse in far north QLD.

Miranda tells their story…

I was brought up on the land and then I became a registered nurse and married Chris. And so over the years, that’s what we used as our income, it’s all we knew.

About 2 years ago we were backed into a corner we were becoming cash strapped. Although we had a property portfolio. The bank still insisted that we needed to show more income because our serviceability was at its maximum. That made us think along the lines of trading and investing.

We wanted to make our own cash flow a little better and a little faster.

We started trading Emini’s on the S&P500 which worked for a while. But, then our family situation changed, so I had to get more education about trading.

We went through various avenues to get educated about trading in different markets. But when we met the team here we knew we had a product we could rely on and one that was going to help us get back up.

So we got started trading Options and Futures.

I always thought you had to be on Wall Street to do this kind of stuff, I didn’t know I could do it myself.

A family affair We’ve got 2 girls and them are very involved in our trading, simply because when we were their age we never had this sort of opportunity.

Trading gives them something to do, it created opportunities for their future. My girls learn so easily, they understand the language and quickly pick up some of the things Chris and I struggle with.

We started by taking the girls along to all the training and now our whole family is training and learning how to trade.

A one-stop shop

Since we came on board, this has been a one-stop shop for us. If you want to trade options you can do it here. If you want to trade futures you can do it here. A lot of the previous things that we had purchased promised us a lot of things that were never brought to the table. But, with the team here, the door is always open; the phone is always there.

There is never a question that is too silly, you’re absolutely comfortable, and the guys will give you 100% of their time and attention every time.

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