Imagine forgetting your Wedding Anniversary?

Financial Markets

Financial Markets

This is an 8 Year Anniversary that has made fortunes

The US stock market, measured by the S&P500 has moved up 250% since hitting its closing low of 676.53 points on March 9th, 2009 – that is Eight Years of Record Breaking Price Gains.

How much of that have you banked?

And do you know something, it doesn’t look like it is about to stop.

That means if you have missed out on making a killing, up until know, you still have a chance – make sure you heard that right – take steps to ensure you don’t miss out.

The US election taught people many things. One, was to make sure you don’t get caught up in one cycle of news (for many is Social Media). Which at best can be very misleading.

The so-called Trump rally was touted to have ended this week – make no mistake about it, it has not ended. This week’s pause for breath is not unexpected – imagine if you had been running up a hill, full tilt, for 64 days, you would probably need a breather too.

64 days by the way is how long the S&P500 (The major US Index) had been going up and up, without a greater than 1% fall throughout that time. This is the longest time on record – the previous record for those that care was 34 days by the way.

This is huge, probably didn’t make it onto the FB news feed. And gives a very good insight into the shear weight of cash flowing into the stock market – hopefully, some of it is yours…

The Australian Obsession with Property Prices

Here in Australia, our national obsession with property prices continues. At full steam and don’t get me wrong, as someone with considerable property interests, I am loving that too.

However right now, more people than ever are totally obsessed with property. And instead are missing the biggest party in town.

Face the Facts

The median or average price of a property in Sydney at the end of 2016 was $1,123,991. Based on an investment loan requiring 20% as a deposit (That is an eye popping $224,798 deposit by the way) leaves massive mortgage to service and, as a result net yield of most likely between 2 and 3%.

Don’t forget about negative gearing though…

Yep – shall we think about that for a minute… Instead of a property, would you buy a business that loses money each week. So hopefully you can sell out for a massive profit in the future??

In other words, the only attraction is Capital Gain, and that can be VERY dangerous, but according to almost every property marketing event I have been to, “property always goes up over a seven year period” right? Would be nice to see ASIC clean that space up, as they have with Financial Services!

And, Yes there is more to Australian property than just Sydney!

Perhaps if Sydney is too expensive for you, why not pick up one of the thousands of apartments going in Melbourne or Brisbane **Hint, they are really cheap when you buy them from someone who has just bought it off the plan and needs to flick it!

The Australian Article

So how about at least dropping by the other big party to see what’s really happening?

Click here to register for the live webcast

How about something that requires a fraction of the starting capital, compared to Property? Better yet, delivers upfront and immediate income, monthly or even weekly, and you can get out of in a heartbeat, if the mood changes.

This is the going with the flow opportunity that can give you regular income and real flexibility, without having to hold in there for years, deal with massive transaction fees and by the way, you can manage all of the downside risk out, if you are a nervous investor.

So let me ask you for one thing…

Take a little bit of time out to look at this right now and just maybe, you will be able to see how this could work for you too.

Click here to register for the live webcast

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