How do you get the Gold Medal in trading – Is it skill or is it luck that leads to success?

Online Trading Personality Test Risk ProfileHaving just returned from a trip to London, and of course the New Years celebrations, one of the great triumphs of 2012 was the London Olympic Games.  Clearly, looking at the success of the various athletes, just like trading. Little was down to skill or luck.  Instead, training, preparation and of course focus on the specifics of the event.  The same could be said of successful trading.

For sprinters such as Ussain Bolt. Explosive power sessions with heavyweights. Increasing the lactic threshold would have been a big component in his preparation.  By contrast, Marathon gold medallist. Stephen Kiprotich would instead have been focused on incredible endurance, heart rate training, and stamina.  Both athletes won Gold for “running” but running – just like trading, is way too broad a description.

If we look at the components to success. Both require an extreme level of fitness – again, like trading, irrespective of whether you are a short term day trader (sprinter) or a longer term stock and options trader (Marathon runner). There will be similar core skills such as charting involved. As well as those skills which are more specialised.

Before we get on to these skills. An athlete starting out would be best focused on where their natural strengths are. And then leveraging from these – after all. There aren’t too many 95kg marathon runners that can squat 700lbs!  Trading is very similar.  We can all learn skills that can help us grow in success – to improve within the markets we trade – but how do you get a Gold medal?

Investing and trading with your core personality and value system is important if not a critical start, yet so few people even realise this when they start their journey.  Instead, diving into what may sound good on the surface, or because they have friends doing it, can often lead to stress, frustration, and of course, not the results they were looking for.

We believe that leveraging off of your natural strengths will help you in your trading – after all you will always make a great you, but a pretty average someone else!

So sure, there are specific skills – certain indicators. Or features of selected trading instruments that you will need to get to grips with if you want to excel as a trader. And we can certainly help you with these, through our broad range of specialist programs. Contact Us: or call us on 1300 304 500

However, first things first – what is your natural trading personality. And how can you leverage off of this. To enjoy a greater success as a trader?  Click here, do this short test – it’s fun and will only take a couple of minutes and we will send you a personalised report to help you understand where you can expect the most natural success in the markets.

From here, your progress toward getting the elusive Gold medal will be far more likely! START THE TEST

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