Outrageous Predictions 2014
One of the great things about this time of year is the opportunity presented by sitting back. And contemplating the game plan for the year ahead. And around this time, I sit down and write our Outrageous Market Predictions for 2014.
My process is pretty simple. Over the course of the year, I add a variety of topics to my article bank on my Mac. As things float across my desk.
Typically this provides 20 plus areas to consider and then I drop this list down into the dirty dozen. These are the key markets or instruments we trade. And plus a couple of additional mainstream interest pieces like Bitcoin, Facebook, and so on.
One of the big competitive advantages we have over most traders, is our own in house team of analysts and sales traders so a couple of chats and lunches with the guys, often reveals some absolute gems, in terms of core trading points and views.
This year, the 12 areas we are looking at in Outrageous Predictions 2014 are as follows:
The World’s leading social media company has flexed its muscles this year. Breaking the stigma of its listing and languishing share price, it has not only increased substantially, in terms of share price but has opened the door to e-commerce – big opportunities or a pause for breath next? Facebook Stock Forecast 2014
The outlook for China and its rampant economic growth has been the source of much controversy amongst market participants, traders, research analysts and just about anyone else out there. Drops in iron ore prices this year spooked many investors, showing the sign posts of what is to come, or creating a buying opportunity? Chinese Economic Outlook 2014
Exchange Traded Funds
ETFs have been a massive growth area for traders and investors who are looking to isolate or invest in particular scenarios and opportunities – creating an incredibly powerful and flexible tool that we believe if not already, will be part of your investing portfolio in 2014. Outrageous Predictions 2014 – The Rise and Rise of ETFs
The Australian Banking Sector
2013 has been all about finding yield and as a result, the Aussie Big Four banking stocks have been major beneficiaries of their dividend policy. This has been great for 2013, with investors enjoying substantial gains. What does 2014 have in store for the awesome foursome? Australian Banks Shares 2014 – Forecast
US Economy
The world’s largest economy forms the mainstay of any economic forecast and outlook for markets. QE is its $85bn a month habit – how is this working for the US, what is in store for the new year and where will we be looking to bank profits? With changes at the Fed, the door is open for a new opportunity and it may well be time to fill your boots. US Economic Outlook 2014
Australian Economy
Our domestic economy has shown several colours in 2013 – from doom and despair to opportunity and profit. There have been a variety of factors behind this and several which will carry into 2014, providing opportunity to profit from selected sectors, which are in great positions to push higher. Which ones and where will you have your money in 2014 – the right or wrong side of the coin. Australian Economic Outlook 2014
Australian and US dollars
The relationship between this pair is critical from a trade and traders’ perspective. With the big variation to date in economic activity and interest rate cycles setting the current framework, it looks increasingly likely that the tide is about to turn. This is very material for anyone investing in the US, from a currency risk perspective, as well as an opportunity for outright profit. Australian Dollar and US Dollar Forecast 2014
There is no question that Apple’s business is changing – it had to. With change always comes risk, and always comes opportunity. In Apple’s case its business is maturing from maverick to market leader – no more the underdog but instead under intense pressure to perform. Where to from here for the anodised aluminium giant? Apple Stock Forecast 2014
We try our best to find alternatives but it is almost impossible to live without it! Oil has been one of the most interesting markets this year. Middle East developments, shifts in demand and supply patterns as well as technology developments have created a changed environment – and at $10/1cent move, all the leverage you could need. Crude Oil Price Forecast 2014
BHP Billiton
Iron ore isn’t exciting, its not pretty, its not cutting edge but it is the backbone of what has been propping up the Aussie economy. With the resources sector joined at the hip with China, movements in one has an inextricable impact with the other. From this relationship has been a massive opportunity and one which we will be seeking to exploit to the absolute maximum. BHP Billiton Ltd Stock Forecast 2014
In terms of price, gold really has had a year to forget. As the saying goes, the past is history, the future a mystery and the present is a gift – as such, what do we see happening for the yellow metal in the short and medium term. Our key levels and rationale are outlined, as is our expectation for 2014. Gold Price Forecast 2014
No 2014 outlook would be complete without a look at Bitcoin – doubter or believer, what is the story with this overnight phenomena – marketing hype or commercial success? Ultimately time will tell! Pre-register for the eBook