

Shares to buy in 2016 - 3 facts you need to know

Three Must Know Facts if you want a chance for better investment returns in the new year

Three Must Know Facts if you want a chance for better investment returns in the new year: Approaching the end of the year often sees investors go through the obvious steps of reviewing their holdings. The performance and working on the game plan for the new year. Sadly for many, 2015 is a year to […]

Three Must Know Facts if you want a chance for better investment returns in the new year Read More »

BHP Trading on the ASX

BHP in the hole

Imagine if the World’s largest Mining company couldn’t dig its way out of the massive hole it is in? BHP could be Australia’s largest investment catastrophe, now at a SEVEN YEAR LOW BHP in the hole: The old adage of when you are in a hole, stop digging couldn’t be more appropriate than right now

BHP in the hole Read More »

Woolworths Shares - How a “safe” portfolio stock cost investors almost a 40% loss on their investments and they probably don’t even know

Woolworths Shares – How a “safe” portfolio stock cost investors almost a 40% loss on their investments and they probably don’t even know

Imagine if you blindly held Woolworths shares
 Woolworths Shares – How a “safe” portfolio stock cost investors almost a 40% loss on their investments and they probably don’t even know: Health and wealth can sometimes be closely linked. In fact, there are many parallels between the two things most people wish for. To be on

Woolworths Shares – How a “safe” portfolio stock cost investors almost a 40% loss on their investments and they probably don’t even know Read More »

Australian Blue Chip Shares

Revealing the hidden costs of holding blue chip shares and then hoping for a result that may just be killing you financially.

More and more often, we meet new clients that have followed what they thought was good advice, “Buy and Hold”, only to end up paying a heavy price, several years later, and all they did was what they were told was right
 When we meet with new potential investors, one of the services we offer

Revealing the hidden costs of holding blue chip shares and then hoping for a result that may just be killing you financially. Read More »

If you own shares that are worth less than what you paid, you really need to read this

If you own shares that are worth less than what you paid, you really need to read this

If you own shares that are worth less than what you paid, you really need to read this: With the end of the Australian Financial Year, June 30th, just around the corner, many investors are looking to get the most out of the opportunity it presents for gaining benefit right now. And if you are

If you own shares that are worth less than what you paid, you really need to read this
 Read More »

Should Australian investors be worried about a slowing China

Should Australian investors be worried about a slowing China?

Should Australian investors be worried about a slowing China: With the ASX200 index falling 9.2% from the August 21st high (as at Monday 13th October), the stock market is on the verge of a technical “Crash”. In fact, year to date the ASX200 is down 3.7%. And without buyers returning, 2014 could be poised to

Should Australian investors be worried about a slowing China? Read More »

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning your investment portfolio 3 Steps to Spring Cleaning

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning your investment portfolio and getting set for another year of growth

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning your investment portfolio and getting set for another year of growth: Spring time conjures up the thoughts of cutting back hedges, weeding out gardens, cleaning out garages/storage sheds, and vacuuming under furniture that hasn’t been shifted in over a year. If Spring time is so associated with house and garden

3 Steps to Spring Cleaning your investment portfolio and getting set for another year of growth Read More »

Why professionals love Covered Calls, but Mums and Dads fail to see the benefits

Why professionals love Covered Calls, but Mums and Dads fail to see the benefits

Why professionals love Covered Calls, but Mums and Dads fail to see the benefits: Your first experience with stock investing was likely to have been a “Buy and Hold” approach. From an early age, we are taught to Save, don’t use Credit, spend only what you can afford to spend, and pay off debt as

Why professionals love Covered Calls, but Mums and Dads fail to see the benefits Read More »

Time in, or Timing the stock market. What’s the best approach for you?

Time in, or Timing the stock market. What’s the best approach for you?

Time in, or Timing the stock market. What’s the best approach for you? Picking stocks at their bottoms, and selling at high prices is the ambition, or should we state dream, of every investor. More so, even those who do not have money in the stock market dream of making ‘easy’ money by picking winners.

Time in, or Timing the stock market. What’s the best approach for you? Read More »