The Journey Of Two Traders: Meet Neil and Bob

How To Trade The Stock Market

When it comes to investments, our main goal is the return. That’s why we get involved with trading the markets, investing in property, investing in growing industries and other types of investments.

The big question is, if the main goal to make a return is there why do so many traders and investors struggle to achieve it?

I’ll tell you a story of two of my clients. To keep their privacy I’ll call them Bob and Neil.

Bob and Neil joined our program at the beginning of the year, both learned about Covered Calls and both got acquainted with a month-to-month strategy. Both began trading with the same size account.

Today they are both earning significantly different returns. Bob is earning a healthy monthly return while Neil’s returns are not as impressive. You would think that as they have both  exposed to the same program both would  making the same return.

The reality is that Bob applied something that Neil didn’t. He applied himself wholly to our foundation program such that once he had completed it he fully understood:

To enrol into our foundation program click here

1. Why he wanted to start investing
2. What kind of return he was looking to make and what risk he was comfortable with taking in his trades.
3. The importance of managing his risk
4. What tools he needed to achieve his desired ROI (return on investment.) He had a plan and he stuck to it. He was fully aware of his position size and his breakeven point.
5. How to manage his working capital, he starts to small and adds more to his account as he got more confident
6. His trading personality and took advantage of the one on one consult with one of our coaches.

To enrol into our foundation program click here

However, Neil found himself, constantly checking his stock prices throughout the day, causing himself to ride an emotional rollercoaster on each small rise and fall. At the end of the month Neil found himself with a less than desired ROI.

Bob, kept himself emotionally balanced, taking liberal time away from his trades. the screen after setbacks. He honoured his trading plan religiously and didn’t become irate and emotional when things didn’t go his way

Neil, was anything but balanced, taking losses almost as personal affronts. He periodically violated his risk management guidelines and could not break from the markets until he had rehashed all his mistakes and fumed over each.

So what can we learn from this? How you begin determines the result you get at the end. So it’s important to get started right.

That’s why I’m making a portion of my foundation program available to you completely Free of charge, so that you can get started on the right foot the first time. In this program you will discover all the basics you need to know before you start trading live in the market.

Included in the program will be a one-on – one consult with one of our coaches to ensure that we can develop a strategy best suited to you and your needs.

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