
Trade of the Week – CSL.AX (CSL LIMITED)

With CSL Limited (CSL.AX) running hard since October options expiration, we have seen a decent improvement in our trade. At options expiry, we opted to roll our calls forward to November 67.00 Calls, collecting an additional $1.41 in call income and maintaining exposure to CSL.

Today having closed at a combined price (stock and call) of $66.46 we have locked in a gain of $3.285 (5.09%) per share or 85% of the maximum profit available if we were to hold this position all the way to options expiry in 4 weeks. This is the most efficient use of capital as it free up funds to redeploy in new November Covered Calls.

CLS.AX Trade Recommendation Entry Video

[jw_player file=”http://68ae6e408499dfc2c6e1-40cecf3cbedb61f0342f8d4c5cb58fad.r33.cf1.rackcdn.com/CSL_CCall_130913.mp4″ image=”http://68ae6e408499dfc2c6e1-40cecf3cbedb61f0342f8d4c5cb58fad.r33.cf1.rackcdn.com/CSL_Exit.png” height=”330″ width=”590″ autoplay=”false”]

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