Trader of the Month – June 2018

Well, another month and more success, against a background of choppy market conditions. And this month’s Trader Of The Month nomination is a great example of taking action steps and following the process. Also, this member has a stronger appetite for Higher Volatility and is trading well with that view.

Moreover, This is a great example of just how important taking action really is and highlights the importance of taking what you know and applying it with Action! A Huge Congratulations to Damon Parker. And our Trader of The Month June 2018.

From: Damon Parker <>
Sent: 5 July 2018 at 2:56:34 pm AEST
To: Andrew Baxter <>
Subject: Re: Trader of the Month Nominations

Hi Andrew
I’d like to nominate a trade please in Chessapeak energy (CHK)
On the 17/5/18 I bought a parcel of Chessapeak energy a gas stock in the US (CHK) shares for $4.11
I immediately sold the 29/6/18 calls for $4.50 strike for $0.29
I set a stop loss at $3.80

Upon expiration the shares were trading above $5 so were called away but achieved a capital gain of $0.39 and an income of $0.29 so a total of $0.68 or 6% for 6 weeks, if my maths is right.

Being a newbie I had a position of 100 shares so made $68 a great learning curve though. And a higher IV stock. More spicy than you recommend and teach. I haven’t seen an email for who the trader of the month for June was must have gone missing somewhere

Regards Damon

Starting small is what this is all about – bottom line is 6% over 6 weeks is an excellent return, all with active risk management in place and all from out on the land in the middle of Western Australia – great work buddy!

Furthermore, Big Congratulations to Damon Parker who is our Trader of The Month Winner for June 2018, great work and truly well deserved!

Now, guys, what what about you??

Don’t hold back – nominate your entry for July as you close out of your trades, by emailing your results and back story through to the team through

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