
Trader of the Month – April 2021

Trader of the Month – April 2021- Australian Investment Education, Each month, reviewing our Traders Of The Month gives our team a great deal of pleasure

Trader of the Month – April 2021- Australian Investment Education, Each month, reviewing our Traders Of The Month gives our team a great deal of pleasure and some often times, difficult decisions.

In Addition, This month is no exception.

And the qualities behind success in any endeavour. And especially trading are pretty straightforward.



This month we have joint winners for April 2021. And both show these attributes in great quantities.



Winner 1 has been a client for a little while, as you will read. And life kind of got in the way for a bit. One of the benefits of our lifetime membership is the ability to plug into our system at any time and that’s exactly what he has done.

While during the month of April, the market gained around 3 1/2% this client has boosted his net worth and account value by a very respectable 8.8%. And not only is this a great outperformance. But it has also been achieved with a blend of both Cashflow On Demand and some of our more Advanced Strategies.

Moreover, Please join me in congratulating Noel Jones as our joint winner for April 2021, AIE Trader of The Month. And this is a Great job buddy and terrific persistence to keep moving forwards. As you say, Onwards and Upwards.

From: Noel Jones
Subject: Results
Date: 8 May 2021 at 10:54:42 am AEST
To: Trading Desk 

Hi Mitch, I would like to nominate as Aprils TOTM and in doing so I would like to thank the whole team at AIE for the opportunity. And to learn from your knowledge and experience and particularly your patience.

Furthermore, I joined AIE back in 2019 with the intention of learning to trade and supplement my income. And I think I completed about 20% of the COD course when some personal and business interruptions brought it to an abrupt halt.

2 years later and a lifestyle change I started again in January 2021. I completed the COD course and entered my 1st Covered call on February 8. Also, was exercised on 4 calls and returned 4.28% for February.

This really wet my whistle, so I enrolled in the Advanced options course. And what an eye opener and learning experience that has turned out to be.

My TOTM results for April are as follows:
All trades are Net.

Winning Trades
19/3 WFC V8 had to roll out twice, was going backwards,
sold out on a price rise, closed, 7/4, 28 days 23.6%
19/3 WBC V8 “as above” closed 29/4, 40 days 2.0%
23/3 IFL Covered Call Exercised 15/4 20 days 3.18%
24/3 SBUX V8 Panicked at roll over, closed completely, 21 days 21.3%
24/3 CAT Long, closed 6/4 13 days 41.3%
26/3 ABBV Long closed 6/4 11 days 33.9%
7/4 SGR Long closed 28/4 21 days 25.8%

8/4 NCM V8 Had to roll, sold completely 23/4 15 days, 26.6%
14/4 INTC Straddle closed 23/4 9 days 45.9%
14/4 CSCO Long, closed 16/4 2days 41.0%
15/4 FB Bull Put closed 29/4 14 days 89.6%
15/4 MLDZ Long closed 23/4 8 days 8.87%
16/4 BAC Long closed 28/4 12 days 16.24%
19/4 MS Long closed 29/4 10 days 35.5%
22/4 MA Bull Call closed 28/4 6 days 34.76%
27/4 MDLZ Long closed 28/4 1 day 81.7%

!6 Trades Av Days in Trade 14.5 Average ROI 33.2%

Losing Trades 1
23/3 MS Long, $595.00 Expired worthless 23 days 100% loss

Once again, many thanks to Andrew Baxter, Mitch Olarenshaw, Andrew Gibbs, and the rest of the AIE team.

So.. Onwards and Upwards..


Noel Jones



Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to trading. Have your process, continue to build it, and apply it diligently are some of the key steps in any traders’ journey.

This is a wonderful example of that and shows once again, robust training and processes ensure our clients are not simply a one hit wonder and got lucky.

This is a back to back winner who increased his Trading Account by 10.3% for the month of April on top of his success last month – great profits from a more challenging market.

From: Reuben Gregor
Subject: TOTM nomination – April – Reuben Gregor
Date: 2 May 2021 at 5:04:19 pm AEST
To: Mitchell Olarenshaw <mitch@australianinvestmenteducation.com.au></mitch@australianinvestmenteducation.com.au>

Hey gang,

Wow, what a gangbuster month April was, I shifted gears and ramped up activity becoming increasingly comfortable with AO trades. And I find that using RSI4 to buy long calls at delta 0.7 is by far my favourite method to date. But this month I did experiment with different AO methods in the ASX and US with different levels of comfort.

There was nothing more satisfying than doing my own trade and then seeing your recommendation pop out on it the next day which occurred a few times this month, I must’ve learnt something!

So here we go, MTM attached, overall portfolio’s time weighted return was 10.30% for the month.

All up 17 trades closed out during the month, 13 profitable = 76% success rate.
3 trades were overnight and collected 15.17%, 19.47% and 41.85% respectively!
3 trades were greater then 40% return!

Happy days!

ABBV – Long call – 6 days in market 62.5% return
26 Mar – Buy call $100 21 May Strike for $5.65
1 April – Sell call $100 21 May Strike for $9.35

NKE – Long call – 11 days in market 54.74% return
27 Mar – Buy call $128 9 Apr Strike for $5.45
7 Apr – Sell call $128 9 Apr Strike for $8.60

BAC – Mini V8 – 13 days in market 31.30% return
25 Mar – Buy call $35 21 May strike for $3.09
25 Mar – sell call $38 1 Apr strike for $0.327 premium
1 Apr – Buy back call $38 1 Apr strike for -$0.94 cost
1 Apr – Sell call $40.50 16 Apr strike for $0.45 premium
7 Apr – Buy back call $40.50 16 Apr strike for -$0.713 cost
7 Apr – Sell call $35 21 May strike for $5.35

BOQ – Bull Put – 20 days in market for 4.54% loss
18 Mar – Buy 15 Apr $8.06 Put for $0.10 cost
18 Mar – Sell 15 Apr $8.77 Put for $0.395 premium
7 Apr – Buy back 15 Apr $8.77 Put for $0.225 cost
7 Apr – Sell back 15 Apr $8.06 Put for $0.025 premium
If left to expire would’ve collected full profit, found the puts too illiquid on ASX, wouldn’t make this type of trade on ASX again

BHP – Bull Call – 13 days in market for 15.14% profit
26 Mar – Buy 15 Apr $44 strike for $1.85
8 Apr – Sell 15 Apr $44 strike for $2.30

NKE – Bull Call – 3 days in market for 19% return
10 Apr – Buy 7 May $130 strike for $5.90
13 Apr – Sell 7 May $130 strike for $7.15

F – Bull Call – 1 day in market for 19.47% return!
14 Apr – Buy call 7 May $11.50 strike for $0.95
15 Apr – Sell call 7 May $11.50 strike for $1.16

CSCO – Bull Call – 1 day in market for 41.85% return
15 Apr – Buy 16 Jul $55 strike for $0.92
16 Apr – Sell 16 Ju $55 strike for $1.33

OSH – Covered Call – 26 days in market for 9.35% loss
26 Mar – Buy shares for $4.16
26 Mar – Sell call $4.40 call for $0.041 premium
21 Apr – Cash extraction sell shares for $3.76
Treating bought long call from cash extraction as a seperate trade as double-up on position

INTC – Long Call – 3 days in market for 23.59% loss
17 Apr – Buy 16 Jul $60 strike for $6.60
23 Apr – Sell 16 Jul $60 strike for $5.21
I bought this trade on RSI4 being below 40, but then saw a straddle recc was out as it was due to announce. Closed out early taking loss to pursue the straddle recc.

INTC – Straddle – 2 days in market for 11.74% loss
21 Apr – Buy Call 23 Apr $63 strike for $1.723 cost
21 Apr – Buy Put 23 Apr $63 strike for $1.736 cost
23 Apr – Sell Call 23 Apr $63 strike for $1.45
23 Apr – Sell Put Call 23 Apr $63 strike for $1.917
I mistakenly sold these too early, the day before the announcement due to time differences and overcommitments. This was a highly profitable trade for everyone else that closed out post announcements.

SGR – Long call on ASX – 21 days in market for 14.45% return
7 Apr – Buy Call 17 Jun $3.60 strike @ $0.31
28 Apr – Sell Call 17 Jun $3.60 strike @ $0.38

BAC – Long call – 12 days for 11.26% return
16 Apr – Buy Call 16 Jul $37 strike @ $3.45
28 Apr – Sell Call 16 Jul $37 Strike @ $3.90

MS – Long Call – 5 days for 27.92% return
23 Apr – Buy Call 16 Jul $75 Strike @$6.65
28 Apr – Sell Call 16 Jul $75 strike @$8.61

CMCSA – miniV8 – 32 days in market for 13.75% return
30 Mar – Buy call 21 May $52.50 strike @$3.85
30Mar – Sell call 9 Apr $56.50 strike @$0.353 premium – expired worthless
16 Apr – Sell call 30 Apr $56.50 strike @$0.45 premium – expired worthless
30 Apr – Sell call 21 May $52.50 strike @$3.85

FB – Bull Put – 14 days in market for 36.93% return
16 Apr – Buy Put 7 May $295 Strike @$6.57 cost
16 Apr – Sell Put 7 May $310 Strike @$12.91 premium
30 Apr – Sell Put 7 May $295 Strike @$0.19 premium
30 Apr – Buy Put 7 May $310 Strike @$0.69 cost

SBUX – Long Call – 1 day in market for 15.17% return
29 Apr – Buy Call 16 Jul $105 Strike @$8.90
30 Apr – Sell Call 16 Jul $105 Strike @$10.30
Closed out before RSI4 hit 75 as satisfied with profit.

Thanks to you all and especially Mitch for his responsive and efficient service… hope the insurance process has all gone through smoothly. And things are looking upwards and onwards.

Please join me in congratulating Rueben Gregor for backing up and taking out back to back Trader of the Months. As our Joint winner for AIE Trader Of The Month for April 2021. Great job buddy and keep it going.

If you are yet to become a client, join us for Cashflow On Demand preview to see how these guys did it.

We have a Free LIVE Online Training Workshop happening soon – Register here to learn the same trading strategies!

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