Trader of the Month – August 2020

Trader of the Month James Trenberth - Australian Investment Education Review

Well here is another great example of getting the job done.

Some people pick up the ball and run with it, while other look at the ball and wish they could run with it and some people don’t even realise there is a ball, and resent anyone entertaining the ideal of playing the game. Trading and Investing can be chopped into similar crude segments too.

Those that do, those that would like to, and then those that you often see on social media that claim not possible, sounds too good to be true or BS, given that the game itself challenges their whole belief system and they don’t want to face up to the fact that just maybe they are wrong!!

This month’s nomination is a classic example of a no-nonsense guy that is only 3 months into his trading journey. He is running hard and has a very clear game plan on where he wants to get to. James banked $42,486 of profit last month – a Rate of Return for August 2020 of 16.55% and is up and running, on his way toward achieving his goals.

He is also part of our Advanced Options Program, which has clearly been of some benefit, as he takes his trading to the next level.

Best of all, he has his feet on the ground and knows what’s ahead of him.

As such, please join me in congratulating James Trenberth on being our Trader of The Month August 2020.

Trader of the Month James Trenberth - Australian Investment Education Review


From: James Trenberth
Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 10:23 AM
Subject: Trader of the Month submission

Hi Lindsy,

Pls see attached summary. Feel free to log into my account for further details/clarification.

Date range is : 3 Aug – 28 Aug as that is the best IB can produce without an error code.

Rate of Return for Aug: 16.55%
Mark to Market: $42,486 AUS

I’m pretty happy with the outcome for my third month of trading. Now, to replicate this success and compound the account.

I’m very grateful to Andrew Gibbs for his guidance and advanced strategies.


James Trenberth

This is a great demonstration of focus and effort, while utilising the training and support we provide for our clients.

Many congratulations James, and look forward to watching your success grow.

We have a Free LIVE Online Training Workshop Coming UpRegister here to learn the same trading strategies as James

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