
Trader of the Month – June 2021

Well once again, another month and another wave of success stories.

The reason that this one stood out, to our team and perhaps you too, is the raw, bone honest nature of this nomination and even more, the dogged determination to make it work for them.

Imagine trying to trade, unsuccessfully for 15 years – would you still be prepared to get up off the canvass and give it another go?

Well, that is exactly what the story was for this month’s winner.  Shelley joined Australian Investment Education earlier this year – unfortunately, she brought with her some of the previous baggage of get rich quick trading, and this resulted in some decent initial losses. What would most people do, particularly after spending a decade and a half trying to crack the code?  Probably quit. But no, not this lady! That gets a huge thumbs up and big respect from me!

In fact, as you can see, this made her dive into our courses properly – She then took a step back and refocus on the decisions and timing.  Net result – after 15 years of trying to trade, she has now finally enjoyed for the first time, 3 consecutive months of profit in a row, and this consistency, I know, will help take her to the next level.

This kind of self-realisation, and more importantly the brutal honesty of this journey will create a platform that Shelley Heinrich will be able to rely on more and more going forward, making her a most deserving winner of our Trader of The Month.


From: Shelleyh
Date: 14 July 2021 at 9:48:47 pm AEST
To: Australian Investment Education
Subject: Trader of the month nomination – June

Hi AIE team,

Once again I would like to thank the whole AIE team for such a great service and education. With your help I have continued to make yet another profitable month. Never before in my 15 years worth of trying to trade, have I made 3 months profit in a row. 

I joined AIE in January 2021 and plunged straight into taking every trade I could without knowing what I was doing and subsequently lost 40% of my account in two months. I slapped myself in the face and took a step back knowing I had to change my ways. I was losing because of my get-rich-fast psychology and had been doing this throughout my whole ‘trading career’. 

I slowed down, stopped trading for a month, and went through the AIE education material twice and now going through it yet again. I started focusing more on life and letting go of trying to force trading to work for me. This re-focusing has given me my life back and is the lifestyle I want to live without being glued to the computer as I was before. It’s not as exciting (as Futures) but I’m making money – and I know which of these I prefer.

In April I reset my account starting balance, reset my head, started trading seriously and had an amazing month. May was slightly positive at +1.5% on the account, and June was another great month. 

As mentioned in the training education, I have done an equity curve and am proud of a 63% win:loss ratio, with a profit:loss ratio of 4.66, yet I know it is early days still. 

Most trades were spreads with only one covered call (QBE) that resulted in being exercised for a 3.5% return on the stock plus 2.1% income from the sold Call. 

Here is the equity curve stats since restarting my account.

Thank you so much for your continued support and all the genuine effort the whole team put into the AIE business. 

Winston Churchill is most famously known for his incredibly short university commencement speech, “Never Give Up, Never Give Up, Never Give Up” and that bulldog spirit (ok I am English so I’m probably overdoing the Britannia theme here) summarises beautifully this back story.

Please all join me in congratulating our Trader Of The Month for June 2021, Shelley Heinrich on her mindset, persistence and dogged determination – outstanding job Shelley!

To your success

We have a Free LIVE Online Training Workshop happening soon – Register here to learn the same trading strategies!

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