Trader of the Month – May 2022

Well no question about it, May 2022 will go down in history as being a less than fun experience for millions of investors, especially those in managed funds and industry super (I can hear the cries of “take the long term view, it’ll recover” echoing around the traps!”)

However, let’s face facts – the market got belted and so too did anyone who is playing long-biased buying of stock and for more than 6 months now, we have been warning of this.

However, it hasn’t had to be bad news if you have the right strategy and the confidence to apply it. Take this month’s Trader of The Month. While busy visiting family in Europe and looking at property investment opportunities in the UK, he also banked 27% profit for the month of May.

Have a think about that for a moment – travel, freedom, passive income, and profits banked all achieved at a time when so many investors who perhaps have a less flexible game plan, or perhaps closed mind, have been hemorrhaging cash.


From: Torb Stolpe
Subject: Nomination for trader of the month – May 22

Date: 2 June 2022 at 6:26:27 pm AEST
To: “Trading Desk”

Hi team,

First, thanks for the two days we had together at the AO bootcamp at the Gold Coast. Excellent content as usual and it was very nice to do some networking, found 6 other Adelaide traders which was great.

I’ve had a very successful May month trading wise with 8 winners and only 1 loss. Numbers below shows a summary of these trades. Last column is the Net result, second last Gross result.

These results came whilst I was travelling in Europe visiting family in Sweden and investigating property investing opportunities in Liverpool and Manchester in the UK, shows that trading can be done with a laptop wherever you are in the world.

All the best,

Torb Stolpe

We caught up just a few weeks ago at one of our live training sessions and it really gives me a great deal of pleasure to recognise and congratulate Torb Stolpe on his AIE Trader of The Month May 2022 nomination. What a fantastic achievement, particularly while enjoying some travel.

Often this business is talked about being a laptop lifestyle and in the case of Torb’s trading, you can see that first hand.

Massive congratulations buddy – brilliant trading and a very richly deserved recognition.

Would a 27% return for just the Month of May 2022 help your household finances – if so, make sure you join us for our next introductory session.

To your trading success

We have a Free LIVE Online Training Workshop happening soon – Register here to learn the same trading strategies!

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