Well, this is the first time that we have had a draw in terms of our nominations. And both of these nominations are fantastic for very different reasons and the Panel were unable to pick an outright winner, on this occasion.
Winner for September
Michael Witteveen

For instance, This is an example of one year on. Then, from starting the business of trading. In fact, This is the second time that Michael has been nominated for Trader of the month – And almost 10 months apart and it is great to see the progress made and how he is continuing to enjoy the journey.
Especially, Congratulations to one of our Winners of the September Trader of The Month Award, Mr Michael Witteveen. Indeed, Literally from walking out of bootcamp last year you have applied the process taught. And continue to do so – great work!!
From: Michael Witteveen <wittXXXXX@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, 27 September 2019 at 1:58 pm
To: <support@australianinvestmenteducation.com.au>
Subject: TOTM
Afternoon Team,
Having a crack at TOTM for September. Here is a brief recap of recent wins.
BHP Group:
22/08 Bought 100 BHP:xnys shares at $47.30
11/09 Sold 20/09 $50 calls for $0.95
20/09 Expired and executed
25/09 Received dividend payout of $156
Return of $521 (USD) or 11%
Foot Locker:
26/08 Bought FL:xnys Nov 35 calls for $2.30 (following earnings report drop)
25/09 Sold the calls for $5.92 (following Nike’s earnings hike)
Return $362 (USD) or $132%
Andrew, And almost a year in from when I attended the Gold Coast bootcamp and I’ve loved the journey so far.
Chat soon
Winner for September
Juliette and Josh Green
This nomination is closer to the start of the journey. Also, These guys joined us mid last year. And attended bootcamp and then stalled. In all fairness, they have had a lot going on, but rather than give up. And they reconnected with us – I remember the chat in Parramatta well, came back through and got fired up – And this time following through.
Specifically, Being busy is often an excuse – you can see from their photo, these guys genuinely are busy and I am aware of some of the other projects they have on right now.
Furthermore, This is a terrific start and I know with the work we are doing together. Still, you guys are going to kick some big goals with this. And Congratulations to our Winners of Trader of the Month September Juliette and Josh Green – fantastic work guys and so very happy to have you part of our trading family.
From: Juliette Green <jxxxxxxx@hotmail.com>
Date: Thursday, 26 September 2019 at 11:52 pm
To: <support@australianinvestmenteducation.com.au>
Cc: josh green-hotmail <joxxxx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Trader of the month nomination
Hi Andrew
We came straight out of bootcamp, IB trading account opened, and here’s our first month ever of trades. Also, Took a deep breath. And following what we’ve been taught. Small, consistent steps in the right direction that will add up over time.
Consequently, Loved Andrew Gibb’s RSI4 trade recommendations for a speedy turnover and good returns. And thanks for commenting on our questions in classroom, so helpful. And Expecting SBUX to give additional yield with a second call option to be sold tomorrow and positive outlook on this stock.
Trade 1: AMC (Amcor) ASX
Entry $14.05 (26/8)
Exit $14.65 (11/9)
ROI 4.3%
Days held: 16
Trade 2: BHP – ASX
Entry $34.60 (26/8)
Exit $36.29 (2/9)
ROI 4.9%
Days held: 7
Trade 3: ANZ – ASX
Entry $26.00 (26/8)
Exit $28.46 (25/9)
ROI 9.5%
Days held: 31
Trade 4: SBUX (Starbucks) – NASDAQ
Entry $89.41 (17/9)
Call option premium $1.15 (strike $91.50 ending 27 Sept not taken up)
Value at 26/9 $90.84 (at now)
Underlying increase $1.43 plus premium $1.15 = gain $2.58
ROI 2.9% currently, still running
Days held: 10 so far
Will sell further call option tomorrow (27/9)
Juliette and Josh Green
Here are two great stories one new, one a year in that show what is possible when you take that leap of faith and get started. And With interest rates cut yet again. Also, where else can you go to generate these sorts of returns? Certainly, Hearing of your success really is the reason we do what we do and we look forward to hearing your stories of success.