
Want to know the 3 key investment ideas that made me drop everything, put my holiday on hold and fly 14,387kms to learn more about?

Want to know the 3 key investment ideas that made me drop everything

Want to know the 3 key investment ideas that made me drop everything, put my holiday on hold and fly 14,387kms to learn more about? Things in today’s world can change quickly and if you aren’t ready. You can often suffer from embarrassment. Frustration as well as the missed opportunity to make thousands of dollars. Being ready means in a position to act – to act with confidence, decisively and with a plan and here’s how….

The pace of change gets faster – in life and in the market

A few days ago, I was enjoying time with my wife and daughter at our family beach house. Warm, sunny, relaxing and after three weeks there, listening to the waves rolling in, it was a fantastic environment for developing my trading strategies and investment views for the year ahead.

Yesterday, I flew to Chicago. The reason for my trip, amongst other things is to spend some time with my contacts at the Chicago Board of Trade – to test my strategies and game plan for the year.  Against what the heavy hitters on the trading floor are doing for their accounts.

These are serious players in a very serious game – and from our casual chats the other day. They are expecting big things from markets this year – big enough to drag me away from the beach to the sub zero Windy City of Chicago for just 36 hours – hopefully long enough for a great deep pie pizza at the legendary Ginos East!

Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall, watching and benefiting from exactly what the big boys are getting ready to do with their investments?

There were three big themes I wanted to really investigate in detail – and these are what the guys reckon will dominate returns substantially for the next 12 months – ignoring them could well cost you a lot of money – but more importantly may mean that you miss out on making a packet and having bragging rights over your mates!

Ignore the resurgence of the US economy at your absolute peril…

Make no mistake about it; the US economy is changing gear. It is changing up and things are really beginning to spin. Consumer confidence has yet to kick in properly but it is growing. Another major factor we have spoken of several times is on-shoring of jobs. The days of sending jobs overseas and running an outsourced manufacturing process are over – these 80s and 90s management themes are almost as dead and buried as mirror sunglasses and the mullet hair do from the same era! There are too many potential disruptions for this to now be effective. The Japanese tsunami of March 2011 exposed this vulnerability and effectively called time on importing components for assembly.

Equally, post GFC, the US employment market – being somewhat deunionised and with the archaic practises of Detroit’s car industry kicked into touch. As well as some help from the dollar, is now very appealing. We have discussed this several times previously.

With consumer confidence on the rise, as well as a manufacturing sector showing green shoots. The “Magic Mile”, Chicago’s high end shopping district, was ticking over. Not thumping along but bubbling nicely – which is a very good sign. That said, with the Aussie dollar’s recent slide against the greenback. It proved a more expensive “research” shop than previous visits. Oh well – happy wife, happy life!!

So what about the stock market – has it got much left in the tank?

Given what is unfolding around the world, with Europe still in tatters. And looking likely to endure more of the same. Russia being sliced and diced with the fall in oil prices (a double default is possible and that’s nothing to do with tennis), China slowing, Gold falling, and Swiss decoupling from the Euro. The money has to go somewhere, right? IT HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE….

The boys are saying the biggest beneficiary will likely be US equities all the way. Gold has offered nothing – falling prices and no yield. Although it provides a US dollar exposure but also an inflation hedge. Albeit in a deflationary environment. Equally the bond market has nothing to give investors. With yields at incredibly unattractive levels. Leaving one thing – the good old US equity market – a flight to safety in US equities.

So where should you be buying? After all, right market, wrong sectors won’t help you!!

And here is where you have to imagine being a fly on the wall. Over a cigar at Jack Schwarts’ right beneath the CBOT’s trading floor. The boys outlined very specifically the key power plays they were looking at – stock and sector specific. One quote, and imagine this in a strong Brooklyn accent:

“Anyone that thinks holding cash is an investment strategy is gonna get absolutely ####### smoked and be downsizing to the poor house, man – they are gonna get flattened by what’s coming…”

On a more polite note, they also outlined their time lines for getting stuck in! January is the thinly traded month February through to Easter is when the big stuff is likely to be happening.

So how can you see and hear first hand. What you could be doing to get your investments in a likely better position than simply holding cash? When I get back, and thaw out. I will be hosting a series of live briefings to cover my preferred strategies. Sectors and why we like them as well as a run down on what the big bits are up to. Why don’t you come along and have a listen. Particularly given the potential dollars you could be making from this?


I will be very clearly spelling out in plain English the, what and why. As well as how you can be harnessing these opportunities and the potential profits that they may help you generate.

Come along and hear first hand, what the big guys are doing – and you will begin to see why they win most of the time. They have a plan, they are prepared and they will act decisively. What’s more they do it with billions. On the night, we will share with you:

  •  Our precise views on where the best opportunity is in today’s market (so that you can best position yourself for potential profit) and giving you more potential for swiping the easy money from the market.
  • How to avoid the danger of the oil “power play”, helping you reduce your risks, while potentially loading the trading game in your favour
  • Our using our proprietary EasyTrade technology (lets you more easily trade and in seconds) giving you your precious time back, and eliminating all your execution risk at the same time!
  • Why you will never need to learn another trading platform again, as you enjoy outsourcing all the heavy lifting while retaining all the outcome and control
  • Even if you have ZERO interest in the stock market, how you can still enjoy the potential for extra income with our comprehensive advisory service, giving the baby, without the labour pains!
  • Why we use risk management on every trade, helping you with the “sleep at night” factor, and giving you greater peace of mind.
  • Exactly how you can be generating an immediate and up front income on your investments, particularly your retirement plans, so that you have the chance of a better quality retirement
  • Plus much, much more

This is the exact game plan the pros use and what’s more, you can piggyback directly on the back of this saving you a lot of time, heartache and efforts while enjoying all the benefits

I don’t know about you, but piggy backing on a seasoned professional team of traders rather than trying to go it alone would make a lot of sense, wouldn’t it?

Registration is dead simple – click below and register for the event near you

Brisbane 23rd February 

Sydney 24th February

Melbourne 25th February 

Perth 26th February 

What’s more there is no cost to attend, meaning you get all this information on the night totally free of charge, so you can see for yourself, first hand and without spending a cent

The reason why no charge – and our affiliates said we were nuts to be giving all this away, without a fee – is that our mission, our big goal and objective – is to help everyday Aussies have the lifestyle they deserve.

So why not let us help you stay on track for achieving your financial goals this year, after all going it alone is a long tough and lonely road?

Let’s be honest, trying to go it alone sounds good, being “self made” and the “all conquering hero”. Bragging rights down at the pub or over the coffee machine. However, in reality you probably already know that it’s not that easy – you may have even tried before – so let’s help you create a new ending to an old story. Making the most from 2015 and turning it into a financial success rather than a nightmare.

Register here:

Brisbane 23rd February 

Sydney 24th February

Melbourne 25th February 

Perth 26th February

Here is my big promise to you

We hear it often said that 90% of success starts with turning up! And I guarantee you this, I will be there on the night and I will give you 100% of my time, energy and knowledge.

Make sure you turn up and you will be well on the way to having your own game plan for financial success in 2015 and what’s more we can then help you stay on track and kick your financial goals.

Register now and I look forward to seeing you there!

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