A young Aussie bloke decided to change his spending and saving habits: How many 20 year olds are getting stuck into a career and bunkering down and getting ready for what will probably be 40 years plus of hard work. Lukas Czop was in exactly the same position until a chance meeting opened a genuine door of opportunity for him to look forward to and enjoy a very different way of earning his income and reshaping his future.
These days, how many people at any age, are looking at a long hard path of hard work ahead of them?
The back story – Lukas was at a live event 5 years ago. And decided to step up and get stuck in and “give it a go”. Like many people, this is a big leap of faith and at the time Lukas wasn’t exactly rolling in cash so started with a relatively small amount of money.
As Lukas says, “I remember thinking, this is doing stuff. At the time, I only had about a thousand dollars in my bank account. But I bought the course and didn’t know how I was going to get the money to trade, but here we are!”
This is a major challenge for many – the attitude toward money. Think about it, you can’t save your way to financial freedom – particularly not with 2 1/2% interest per year at the bank! Yet many people would prefer to hold onto to the sinking lift raft of saving money in the bank. Than give it a go and try something new!
It is all about process – that’s all!
After doing some training and working a small account, Lukas built up his confidence, both in himself and in us.
We encourage our clients to take what we call the escalator approach to building into their trading. That is to follow the process – step on and let the process do its thing. After all, when the process is right, the results always follow.
In Lukas words “I’m not surprised, because I always knew it was going to work. It’s just that I had never really made that commitment.”
This was his commitment to actually apply what he learned, as well as start building his investing funds.
These days, Lukas is trading with around $40,000 and is actively trading our covered calls strategy.
“Since October, to February, I took my account from $38,000 to $42,500. That’s about a 12% return over just 4 month! It’s a great strategy to have, especially if you are conservative and it’s far better than buy and hold. As not only am I making monthly income, but it is also less risky!”
And when Lukas is saying less risky, that is less risky than simply holding the shares alone. Like most buy and hold investors tend to, as stated by the ASX themselves. And of course, as always, past performance is no guarantee of future performance, right?
What about the risks?
“For me doing a couple of covered call strategies each month, I know what my risk is each month so. Say if I do two trades, I am probably risking maximum of about $1000 to $2000. I know where I am at and I can deal with that type of risk and it is very rewarding when I see my results each month.”
All of our trading processes have professional level risk management. Helping our clients enjoy the peace of mind that can only come, from knowing the downside risk is being managed correctly.
Lukas is also currently working full time, so how much time is he having to invest to generate this kind of return?
You see, for many people, being busy or not having time; can be a real stumbling block on their journey to making money. After all, it is very easy to convince yourself you are too busy to build your own financial future and lose an hour or two watching TV!
“Each month when the trades are recommended to be honest I spend maybe 5 minutes max. I look at the trade recommendations. The video runs for about 2 minutes. Usually I don’t have any questions as they are answered within the video and I will go ahead. Press the ‘Trade me’ button or through the App I just accept the trade conditions and go ahead. So it usually takes 5 to 10 minutes max per month to get on board. It is definitely worth the investment for sure. I don’t look back and regret at all. And I have made the money – my initial outlay back. I am motivated each day you know to do this strategy. So it is great” Said Lukas.
This is far less time than most people would believe possible. When it comes to investing and managing your money for a decent income, yet through our processes and trading strategy, this is actually the reality. Try working that out as an hourly rate!!
“I just think, what else is really out there?”
“You can buy a house or whatever or you can keep your money at the bank and you will only get 2% or 3% now that they have been cut down by inflation, so it is definitely worth it to take that leap of faith and get on board and see how it goes.”
“The risks the team outline for you before you get in to trade and the potential returns are also outlined for you as well, so I think it is definitely worth that leap of faith to get on board and just get on with it and don’t think about it too much.”
So where next for Lukas?
He has relocated overseas, with his job, yet the EasyTradeApp means that irrespective of where he is in the World. He is able to continue to trade with the most minimal time input. This for him this is freedom to be wherever. Doing whatever, and yet have the ability to continue generating great return on his investments.
“My aim is to replace my income – extra income is always good and gives you a good feeling.” And this is not such a big goal. As he intends to compound his returns and also build his account to a larger size.
Just like Lukas, wouldn’t you want the ability to be able to generate an upfront and immediate income – what we like to call Income on Demand?
This is not as difficult, time consuming or requiring large amounts of capital as you might think and it is working for lots of every day investors – people just like you and Lukas.
“I tell all my friends about this strategy and they are all very excited. They think it is a highly technical business to be in but once I tell them exactly how it is running and how easy it is to get started. All you have to do is fund your account and get on board and get it started. I have got quite a few of my friends on this business and they are all very happy.”