Trading Psychology and Emotional Control

Designed to give you the trading edge by building in you the confidence to become a successful trader.




9.7 Hours

Skill level

All Levels




Lifetime Access

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Trading Psychology and Emotional Control

Designed to give you the trading edge by building in you the confidence to become a successful trader.




8.5 Hours

Skill level

All Levels




Lifetime Access

Available on:

Trading Psychology and Emotional Control

Designed to give you the trading edge by building in you the confidence to become a successful trader.




8.5 Hours

Skill level

All Levels




Lifetime Access

Available on:

Course Description

Trading Psychology is a dedicated program for building a rock solid foundation and mindset needed for successful trading and investing.

Trading Mindset and Psychology


If you have ever held onto a trade too long, hesitated on getting into a trade, been nervous about pulling the trigger and you are starting to doubt yourself or your trading plan.

Get the most comprehensive and practical trading psychology program that actual successful professional traders use to master their emotions and lock in the potential for profits.

Welcome to Mindset Mastery. Whether you trade options, stocks, fx, indices futures or CFD’s. I’d like to ask you ask you a question? Have you ever gone to place a trade – hesitated, recalculated, hesitated – and then missed the trade?

Or perhaps instead jumped into the trade too early? In both cases missing big profits and instead resulting in yet another loss?

Perhaps you have spent months or even years studying, back testing, attending seminars, webinars and paper trading and can’t quite get it to stick.

How about maybe you have done a trading course, or more likely courses… You follow the instructions to the letter – you have constructed your plan, you have back tested it, you fund your account – the set up looks great – you click the trigger.

Everything exactly as it should be – AND you get stopped out…. Ouch! But no problem – you are motivated – you get back on the horse and go again

BABOOM – same outcome – another stop out. But that’s ok some trades work – others don’t and you know this – you have confidence in your system and training after all, you spent months getting ready to start.

The next trade presents itself – and you hesitate – maybe you should just watch that one and see if your system would have worked – and BAM – A big profit – that would have helped you back to profit on your account is missed… .

What’s more, now there is a conflict because in your plan it said to take every trade!!

Is something wrong with me?

Why Trading is different to a regular career

Where to from here? Your confidence is shot or very soon will be, you did the right thing and didn’t get paid….

This is one of the unique features of trading – unlike a regular job – even if you do everything right, you may still not get paid – this is one of the unique factors behind the business of trading and why successful traders develop a Unique set of skills for tackling markets for profit

Like any professional endeavour, pro traders develop unique skills to help them get consistency of profitability

The good news is…..

The fix is simple, easy and ongoing, to keep you right on top of your trading – in just the same way that professional traders do and right now, I can show you how…

Over the past almost 2 decades as a market professional, I’ve trained thousands to make the transitions needed to be a profitable trader. Even if you have a profitable trading system, making it work for you can often be a challenge…

Some of the symptoms may include:

  • You hesitate to make decisions to get in or out
  • You jump in to trades too early
  • You have started to second guess your trading plan – not taking all signals or worse, have started to make changes to your plan, mid trade…
  • Perhaps your initial confidence has been shattered by a series of losing trades
  • You are bringing “baggage” from previous trades or strategies to this one
  • You have blown your account up· You are starting to doubt your own abilities

Which one rings true for you?

The great news is there’s a fix to all of these and more. Better still, not only is this the most comprehensive Trading Psychology course available across the market, the whole program is ongoing. This will help you maintain lasting growth and positive change in your trading business.

Our goals and yours are perfectly aligned

When it came to developing this program, I set myself some key objectives for Mindset Mastery to distil my almost two decades of experience in markets into an easy to follow yet powerful, practical tool for all traders – new or experienced. In achieving my goals in this program, I know I will help you reach yours.

Let me show you how we have built the program….

Like anything successful, building a firm foundation is critical – we call this our Traders Triad. This foundation is designed to set you up for success and give you the key components and beyond, that are required for sustained, lasting success and profits in markets…

Any success can only be built upon rock solid foundations


Like all trading our first stone in the foundation is a Trading Plan. The need for a plan provides us with certainty in what is an uncertain environment – the market. Remember – we can never control the markets, but we can control our plan – and that is why it is so important.

We will look at the specific factors that ALL quality trading plans must have, as well as an example plan, where you can see these components successfully brought together.

Moving on from this keystone, is learning to think as a trader – in probabilities – is one of the biggest breakthroughs you will have throughout your trading career – and this in itself is dependent on quality Record Keeping – after all, if you don’t know where you are, how do you get to where you want to go?

This is one of the most pivotal parts of running a successful trading business.

Areas covered in detail include: Maintaining your trading results – what to keep and how to keep it, as you cannot simply rely on your trading platform and its record keeping – you will see why..

Analysing Your Trading Results – equity curves and performance waves are key tools for reviewing not only your profitability, but also your growth as a trader. In particular, performance waves can highlight and blow-out trades – the outliers that can really damage us.

Ever wondered when you should be increasing or reducing your position size?

Analysing Your results and building in a safety valve. We look at a robust and process driven way to make sure that you are not a victim of what we call an “airbag moment”. In addition, you will learn how to manage one of the biggest trader decisions – when to increase and when to reduce your position sizes. This is simple and very easy to implement – providing key structure to your trading business.

Advanced Analysis – Win/Loss, dealing with Ho Hum Trades and Outliers and knowing your Edge Ratio. For those without a mathematical mind, this session will break down in easy to follow, how to stages, enabling you to pull out the information you want from your trading. Win/Loss Ratios, even more importantly your Edge Ratio will be walked through in an easy to follow way, that you can replicate with your own trade results. In addition, explaining the impact of Ho-Hum and Break Even trades is included.

Trade Post Mortem analysis – At the close of the trade, many traders’ attention moves on – ready for the next opportunity. However, this habit can prove very costly and also side steps one of the major processes necessary for your growth as a trader – the Post Mortem. Evaluating all trades – the good, the bad and the ugly, provides an invaluable insight into your trading process.

How do you execute your trading plan perfectly, EVERY SINGLE time?

Journaling and self diagnosis may seem an “airy fairy” subject. However, we cannot stress how important it is. Being able to manage and monitor your performance as a trader is essential, if you are serious about being a profitable trader.

Now some of these may seem a little basic for those of you who have been trading – we don’t make assumptions, and so to make sure we are all on the same page, we go back to the basics first – to make sure that these critical steps are being handled correctly. After all, your job as a trader is simple – to execute your trading plan perfectly, EVERY time…

Now you have your plan and your execution of your plan being measured, we can then move on to the fascinating area of peak performance psychology. We call this Inner Game – why we do what we do, and how we can do it better. Within this section of the program, we explore, identify the symptoms of, and offer a variety of practical solutions for the typical issues that traders face. Inner Game is often where your biggest breakthroughs will occur.

Peak Performance Psychology not just for successful sports stars…


Finding your niche – knowing which markets, instruments or trading style that you are most suited to will truly assist you in building consistency and harmony in your trading. With more and more markets and instruments being available to traders and investors, the chances of getting an even better fit – specifically for you and your trading style are improving every day.

Knowing Who you are – trading and investing in line with our dominant personality traits, means we are in harmony with ourselves, not creating inner conflict. Imagine that most traders, without knowing their true trading personality, are walking along with a stone in their shoe – it’s not fun, and very frustrating – not for you, any more.

Performance Anxiety – The spectrum of paralysed by fear to blasé about trade decisions – both of which can be major problems, and anchoring back to peak state.

Procrastination – described as the enemy of enterprise. Procrastination is one of the most common challenges faced by traders – the difficulty in making swift and quality decisions. We look at the symptoms and then a series of alternative fixes to help make this road block to profits, a thing of the past.

Impulsiveness can be an equally common issue, especially for certain personality types – breaking through the “Ready Fire Aim” mindset is critical to success in the markets – taking things back to a controlled and robust decision.

Removing emotion from your trading business

Removing the Emotion from trading – more than any single module, this one is a game changer – this is a massive leap for those that make the leap from dabbler or punter to successful trader.

Talking numbers revisits the critical trader mindset of thinking in binary and probability terms, rather than the more typically, emotionally charged thoughts on the markets, building on the foundations set earlier in the program…

Projection and transference looks at how to deal with the issue of bring baggage and history to each new trading decision – effectively we look at building new endings to old stories – helping you move forward and grow as a trader, without the baggage of the past.

Language Patterns can often point the educated trader to where the roadblock is. The words we use reflect our subconscious perceptions of the market and trades, and can cloud our decisions – with practical exercises included, this session will give you the clearest signals yet, as to where your trading issues sit.

The Endowment Effect – this can be a landmine for traders – knowing what it is, how it shows itself and how it can decimate your decision making process is a major breakthrough. You will also see and learn how this behaviour pattern impacts on other areas of your life, beyond trading too.

The Trading Journey – explores the emotional journey that you may have experienced to date, and more importantly, how to make yourself battle hardened and prepared as you make the transition to a more successful trader / more successful trading.

Trading Mindset and Psychology

  • Students willing to improve their trading and investing journey

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 49 lectures and 8.5 hours of content!
  • Confidence in getting In and Out of Trades
  • Removing the Emotion from Trading
  • Making trading decisions in terms of the Binary and probability instead of emotionally charged thoughts
  • Removing the effect of past trading performance and baggage to new trading decisions
  • Help you move forward and grow as a trader
  • Create a new language pattern for your trading decision
  • Recognising Endowment Effect and it’s impact on your life and trading
  • Build a trading journey to be a more successful trader
  • Hear from industry experts about the way they tackle through their trading mindset

Who is this course for?

  • Traders and Investors looking at mastering their emotions so it doesn’t affect their trading decisions
  • New Traders and Investors looking to avoid the costly mistakes of getting caught by surprise by emotional based trading decisions


   Introduction to Trading Psychology and Mindset Mastery
  What is Trading Psychology
  Understanding Human Needs
   Intro to Trading Plan
   Building your Plan
  Introduction to Record Keeping
  What to keep
  Analysis of results – Equity Curves and Waves
  Your Safety Valve
  Advanced Analysis – Win/Loss and Edge Ratios
  So Where are you?
  Qualitative Record Keeping
  Journaling for Day Traders
  Market Fitness
  Trade Post Mortems
  Bringing It all Together
  Inner Game
  Your Niche
  Knowing who you are
   Inner Game – Going Deep
  Performance Anxiety
  Removing Emotions
   Thinking like a trader
   Language Patterns
   The Endowment Effect
   Beliefs and Misbeliefs
   The Journey
  How to Make the Move Easily
  Sim To Live
  Creating and Sustaining Lasting Change
  Back testing
  Having a balance
  Home runs
  In or out of the market
  Knowing your trading personality
  Over Trading
  Own your Trade
  Peak State
  Perception of time
  Position sizing
  Sim to Live
  The trading rut
  What is your why
  Introducing the Interview Series
  Mr B
  Mr C
  Mr H
  Mr W
  Course Conclusion and What’s Next

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Course Description

Mindset Mastery is a dedicated program for building a rock solid foundation and mindset needed for successful trading and investing.

Trading Mindset and Psychology


If you have ever held onto a trade too long, hesitated on getting into a trade, been nervous about pulling the trigger and you are starting to doubt yourself or your trading plan.

Get the most comprehensive and practical trading psychology program that actual successful professional traders use to master their emotions and lock in the potential for profits.

Welcome to Mindset Mastery. Whether you trade options, stocks, fx, indices futures or CFD’s. I’d like to ask you ask you a question? Have you ever gone to place a trade – hesitated, recalculated, hesitated – and then missed the trade?

Or perhaps instead jumped into the trade too early? In both cases missing big profits and instead resulting in yet another loss?

Perhaps you have spent months or even years studying, back testing, attending seminars, webinars and paper trading and can’t quite get it to stick.

How about maybe you have done a trading course, or more likely courses… You follow the instructions to the letter – you have constructed your plan, you have back tested it, you fund your account – the set up looks great – you click the trigger.

Everything exactly as it should be – AND you get stopped out…. Ouch! But no problem – you are motivated – you get back on the horse and go again

BABOOM – same outcome – another stop out. But that’s ok some trades work – others don’t and you know this – you have confidence in your system and training after all, you spent months getting ready to start.

The next trade presents itself – and you hesitate – maybe you should just watch that one and see if your system would have worked – and BAM – A big profit – that would have helped you back to profit on your account is missed… .

What’s more, now there is a conflict because in your plan it said to take every trade!!

Is something wrong with me?

Why Trading is different to a regular career

Where to from here? Your confidence is shot or very soon will be, you did the right thing and didn’t get paid….

This is one of the unique features of trading – unlike a regular job – even if you do everything right, you may still not get paid – this is one of the unique factors behind the business of trading and why successful traders develop a Unique set of skills for tackling markets for profit

Like any professional endeavour, pro traders develop unique skills to help them get consistency of profitability

The good news is…..

The fix is simple, easy and ongoing, to keep you right on top of your trading – in just the same way that professional traders do and right now, I can show you how…

Over the past almost 2 decades as a market professional, I’ve trained thousands to make the transitions needed to be a profitable trader. Even if you have a profitable trading system, making it work for you can often be a challenge…

Some of the symptoms may include:

  • You hesitate to make decisions to get in or out
  • You jump in to trades too early
  • You have started to second guess your trading plan – not taking all signals or worse, have started to make changes to your plan, mid trade…
  • Perhaps your initial confidence has been shattered by a series of losing trades
  • You are bringing “baggage” from previous trades or strategies to this one
  • You have blown your account up· You are starting to doubt your own abilities

Which one rings true for you?

The great news is there’s a fix to all of these and more. Better still, not only is this the most comprehensive Trading Psychology course available across the market, the whole program is ongoing. This will help you maintain lasting growth and positive change in your trading business.

Our goals and yours are perfectly aligned

When it came to developing this program, I set myself some key objectives for Mindset Mastery is to distil my almost two decades of experience in markets into an easy to follow yet powerful, practical tool for all traders – new or experienced. In achieving my goals in this program, I know I will help you reach yours.

Let me show you how we have built the program….

Like anything successful, building a firm foundation is critical – we call this our Traders Triad. This foundation will set you up for success and give you the key components and beyond, that are required for sustained, lasting success and profits in markets…

Any success can only be built upon rock solid foundations


Like all trading our, first stone in the foundation is a Trading Plan. The need for a plan provides us with Certainty in what is an uncertain environment – the market. Remember – we can never control the markets, but we can control our plan – and that is why it is so important.

We will look at the specific factors that ALL quality trading Plans must have, as well as an example plan, where you can see these components successfully brought together.

Moving on from this keystone, is learning to think as a trader – in probabilities – is one of the biggest breakthroughs you will have throughout your trading career – and this in itself is dependent on quality Record Keeping – after all, if you don’t know where you are, how do you get to where you want to go?

This is one of the most pivotal parts of running a successful trading business.

Areas covered in detail include: Maintaining your trading results – what to keep and how to keep it, as you cannot simply rely on your trading platform and its record keeping – you will see why..

Analysing Your Trading Results – equity curves and performance waves are key tools for reviewing not only your profitability, but also your growth as a trader. In particular, performance waves can highlight and blow-out trades – the outliers that can really damage us.

Ever wondered when you should be increasing or reducing your position size?

Analysing Your results and building in a safety valve. We look at a robust and process driven way to make sure that you are not a victim of what we call an “airbag moment”. In addition, you will learn how to manage one of the biggest trader decisions – when to increase and when to reduce your position sizes. This is simple and very easy to implement – providing key structure to your trading business.

Advanced Analysis – Win/Loss, dealing with Ho Hum Trades and Outliers and knowing your Edge Ratio. For those without a mathematical mind, this session will break down in easy to follow, how to stages, enabling you to pull out the information you want from your trading. Win/Loss Ratios, even more importantly your Edge Ratio will be walked through in an easy to follow way, that you can replicate with your own trade results. In addition, explaining the impact of Ho-Hum and Break Even trades is included.

Trade Post Mortem analysis – At the close of the trade, many traders’ attention moves on – ready for the next opportunity. However, this habit can prove very costly and also side steps one of the major processes necessary for your growth as a trade – the Post Mortem. Evaluating all trades – the good, the bad and the ugly, provides an invaluable insight into your trading process.

How do you execute your trading plan perfectly, EVERY SINGLE time?

Journaling and self diagnosis may seem an “airy fairy” subject. However, we cannot stress how important it is. Being able to manage and monitor your performance as a trader is essential, if you are serious about being a profitable trader.

Now some of these may seem a little basic for those of you who have been trading – we don’t make assumptions, and so to make sure we are all on the same page, we go back to the basics first – to make sure that these critical steps are being handled correctly. After all, your job as a trader is simple – to execute your trading plan perfectly, EVERY time…

Now you have your plan and your execution of your plan being measured, we can then move on to the fascinating area of peak performance psychology. We call this Inner Game – why we do what we do, and how we can do it better. Within this section of the program, we explore, identify the symptoms of, and offer a variety of practical solutions for the typical issues that traders face. Inner Game is often where your biggest breakthroughs will occur.

Peak Performance Psychology not just for successful sports stars…


Finding your niche – knowing which markets, instruments or trading style that you are most suited to will truly assist you in building consistency and harmony in your trading. With more and more markets and instruments being available to traders and investors, the chances of getting an even better fit – specifically for you and your trading style are improving every day.

Knowing Who you are – trading and investing in line with our dominant personality traits, means we are in harmony with ourselves, not creating inner conflict. Imagine that most traders, without knowing their true trading personality, are walking along with a stone in their shoe – it’s not fun, and very frustrating – not for you, any more.

Performance Anxiety – The spectrum of paralysed by fear to blasé about trade decisions – both of which can be major problems, and anchoring back to peak state.

Procrastination – described as the enemy of enterprise. Procrastination is one of the most common challenges faced by traders – the difficulty in making swift and quality decisions. We look at the symptoms and then a series of alternative fixes to help make this road block to profits, a thing of the past.

Impulsiveness can be an equally common issue, especially for certain personality types – breaking through the “Ready Fire Aim” mindset is critical to success in the markets – taking things back to a controlled and robust decision.

Removing emotion from your trading business

Removing the Emotion from trading – more than any single module, this one is a game changer – this is a massive leap for those that make the leap from dabbler or punter to successful trader.

Talking numbers revisits the critical trader mindset of thinking in binary and probability terms, rather than the more typically, emotionally charged thoughts on the markets, building on the foundations set earlier in the program…

Projection and transference looks at how to deal with the issue of bring baggage and history to each new trading decision – effectively we look at building new endings to old stories – helping you move forward and grow as a trader, without the baggage of the past.

Language Patterns can often point the educated trader to where the roadblock is. The words we use reflect our subconscious perceptions of the market and trades, and can cloud our decisions – with practical exercises included, this session will give you the clearest signals yet, as to where your trading issues sit.

The Endowment Effect – this can be a landmine for traders – knowing what it is, how it shows itself and how it can decimate your decision making process is a major breakthrough. You will also see and learn how this behaviour pattern impacts on other areas of your life, beyond trading too.

The Trading Journey – explores the emotional journey that you may have experienced to date, and more importantly, how to make yourself battle hardened and prepared as you make the transition to a more successful trader / more successful trading

Trading Mindset and Psychology

  • Students willing to improve their trading and investing journey

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Traders and Investors looking at mastering their emotions so it doesn’t affect their trading decisions
  • New Traders and Investors looking to avoid the costly mistakes of getting caught by surprise by emotional based trading decisions


  Inner Game – Going Deep
  Performance Anxiety
  Removing Emotions
  Thinking like a trader
  Language Patterns
  The Endowment Effect
  Beliefs and Misbeliefs
  The Journey
  Introduction to Record Keeping
  What to keep
  Analysis of results – Equity Curves and Waves
  Your Safety Valve
  Advanced Analysis – Win/Loss and Edge Ratios
  So Where are you?
  Qualitative Record Keeping
  Journaling for Day Traders
  Market Fitness
  Trade Post Mortems
  Bringing It all Together
  Inner Game
  Your Niche
  Knowing who you are
  Introducing Risk Management
  Risk Management and Using Stop Losses
  Risk Management and Position Sizing
  Risk Management and Diversification
  Risk Management Using Put Options
  Risk Management – Conclusion
  How to Make the Move Easily
  Sim To Live
  Creating and Sustaining Lasting Change
  Back testing
  Having a balance
  Home runs
  In or out of the market
  Knowing your trading personality
  Over Trading
  Own your Trade
  Peak State
  Perception of time
  Position sizing
  Sim to Live
  The trading rut
  What is your why
  Introducing the Interview Series
  Mr B
  Mr C
  Mr H
  Mr W
  Course Conclusion and What’s Next

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