
US Economy


Facebook Stock Forecast 2014 – Do you want to be right, or do you want to be rich?

Like, Comment One of the biggest mistakes of our outrageous predictions last year, was Facebook, where we expected the stock to stay in a $27/29 range. We couldn’t have got it any more wrong if we tried, which in itself is quite funny, as you will see below. So where did the growth come from?

Facebook Stock Forecast 2014 – Do you want to be right, or do you want to be rich? Read More »

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the economic recovery

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the US economic recovery. Headlines over the last few months have promoted fear amongst investors. Over the US Federal Budget and the National Debt Ceiling, which is soon to reach its $16 trillion dollar cap. That is $16,000,000,000,000! Yet again the Sequester is looming,

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the economic recovery Read More »