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How long can the DOW Jones Industrial Index keep pushing into long-term highs?

The Boy who Cried Wolf! How long can the DOW Jones Industrial Index keep pushing into long-term highs? Global stock markets are rallying like never before, bewildering analysts and leaving investors stuck on the sidelines with the DOW Jones Industrial Index touching a high of 14,476 on the 12th March. This beats the previous long-term

How long can the DOW Jones Industrial Index keep pushing into long-term highs? Read More »

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the economic recovery

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the US economic recovery. Headlines over the last few months have promoted fear amongst investors. Over the US Federal Budget and the National Debt Ceiling, which is soon to reach its $16 trillion dollar cap. That is $16,000,000,000,000! Yet again the Sequester is looming,

Sequester cuts to the US economy – how it will affect the economic recovery Read More »

“The Stock Market is booming” – are you still sitting on the sidelines, as the bulls charge by?

“The Stock Market is booming” – are you still sitting on the sidelines, as the bulls charge by? Today, as I write my weekly article. I have a smile on my face. And a chart in front of me showing the ASX closing above 5,000 points. For the first time since April 2010. CBA’s massive

“The Stock Market is booming” – are you still sitting on the sidelines, as the bulls charge by? Read More »