
The doomsayers got it wrong AGAIN and are becoming like “the boy who cried wolf!”

I’m not sure about you, but nothing irritates me more than the doomsayers. That jump on the bandwagon or pretty much any negative World event. And use it as confirmation that the world economy is about to implode. The Brexit referendum (remember, a couple of weeks ago?) leaves the UK with a big question mark

The doomsayers got it wrong AGAIN and are becoming like “the boy who cried wolf!” Read More »

What do Brexit, a bar of chocolate, buying a new car, and a Madrid Art Gallery all have in common?

No, this is not going to be a poor taste financial markets joke. But there is a very simple linkage between them. Which when you understand it. And could provide you with a very interesting financial opportunity. Before the opportunity, the background, and this dives into the area of neuro-finance. Anticipation is an incredible thing

What do Brexit, a bar of chocolate, buying a new car, and a Madrid Art Gallery all have in common? Read More »